This is a story relating the beginning of an affair between a young Englishman and a much older widow. Apart from the names, it is true. Do you find that...
This story follows on from an encounter between Jay, a young English naval officer home from service off of the Iraq coast, and Mrs Hazel Kellerman, a neighbour of his...
This story continues to follow the affair between Jay, a young English naval officer, and Mrs Hazel Kellerman, a widowed neighbour of his aunt, who is in her early fifties....
Its a beautiful day as I pull up to my fathers home. I had a great relationship with my father despite the fact my parents were divorced. He lives in...
It was summer vacation. I was alone at home since everyone from my family had gone to pune. My mom requested our neighbor Shikha to give me food for those...
Julia couldn't believe it when she was named in a relative's will and inherited a huge amount of money. She was single and forty and lived alone in a comfortable...
Living 30kms north of Toronto afforded my wife, Jean and I the peace and quiet of the country while still being close to the city. We are both 58 years...
“Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months after Navratri” A statement made by Gujarat state's women & child welfare Minister comes in India's leading newspapers during Navratri...
My buddy Ben invited me around to his place for dinner Tuesday night so we could discuss our travel plans. We were going on a surfing trip up the east...